Study of expertise
Expert evaluation on the level of conceptual, pre-feasibility and feasibility study is the key in pre-exploitation phase of project for construction of the pit. The main objectives of these studies were to provide more accurate value of the potential project on the basis that determines its further progress and the future. Long-term experience and expertise of our professional team as well as the software tools that we use, will provide us high accuracy and reliability of assessment of sustainability of potential project. Study of expertise, no matter at what level they are, conceptual, pre-feasibility or feasibility, meets all international standards.
Services include:
- conceptual development of techno-economic studies;
- conceptual development of environmental studies;
- preparation of pre-feasibility and feasibility studies;
- development of strategic environmental impact assessment of the project on the environment;
- making an impact assessment study of the project on the environment;
- the EIA and SIA studies and ESIA (environmental and social studies estimate the impact of the project);
- development of risk assessment studies on the environment;
- development of risk assessment studies for safety and health.